Digital Technology Radar


Technology Fact Sheets (Cheat Sheets) – 2025 Edition

Dr Torsten Wingenter & Prof Marc K Peter

Purpose of the Digital Technology Radar and Fact Sheets

Torsten and Marc, both digital evangelists, consultants and educators, teach at various universities and are often confronted with the question from students where to find additional information and the most important links to various digital technologies. The fact sheets («cheat sheets») of the «Digital Technology Radar» provide a quick reference guide to (a selection of) the most important digital technologies.
© Torsten Wingenter & Marc K Peter (2025):

Digital Technology Radar 2025

The digital technology radar is a visual represen­tation of the 12 digital technologies of the 2025 edition with its two dimensions of Impact (from low to high) and Complexity (from low to high). The radar was developed from the viewpoint of a typical, small or medium-sized commercial organi­sation (which doesn’t necessarily have the resources of a large enterprise). The categorisation is based on a medium-term (3–5 years) perspec­tive, aligning with the planning horizon of most strategy roadmaps.

Digital Technology Fact Sheets (Cheat Sheets)

The collection of fact sheets (with links to many sources) provides on only two pages (each) an introduction, the key concepts (principles, terminology, glossary), an overview of tools, frameworks, applications and further resources, as well as recommendations regarding their implementation and future trends.

Artificial Intelligence (A)
Generative AI (Gen AI)
Blockchain and Crypto
Climate Tech
Collaboration Tech
Edge Computing
Immersive Reality (VR, AR, XR)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Quantum Computing
Space Tech

How to use them

We invite you to use the fact sheets in teaching and through that, to support students and organisations to better understand digital technologies. The fact sheets are a collection of materials from various sources, and the links to these sources are embedded in the PDF (therefore, there are no lists of references). Please send us an email if you believe that an important digital technology, term or resource is missing; or if we have cited source materials from your organisation, and you would like us to remove these.

The authors

Dr Torsten Wingenter

Torsten established Digital Inno­vations at Luft­hansa, founded the FlyingLab, and was responsible for the digital strategies of Austrian, Lufthansa and Swiss airlines. Today, as the «Inno Doc», he is digital advisor, coach and catalyst, interim manager and fire fighter for many organisations in their pursuit for digital innovations.

Prof Marc K Peter

Marc was an executive at eBay, E*TRADE (ANZ) and LexisNexis. Today, he is the «Digital Prof» at Rochester-­Bern Executive Programs, the University of Rochester, at FHNW and at CSU in Australia. His research and teaching covers digital trans­formation, digital technology, digital leader­ship, cyber­security and digital marketing.

Recommended reading for your digital transformation

We recommend the new book The Digital Transformation Canvas as a practical guide to navigate digital challenges, and to develop and implement a digital roadmap for an organisation. The book is centred around the seven action fields of digital transformation and provides many checklists and workshop tools.
Further information:

© Torsten Wingenter & Marc K Peter (2025):